
Compendium anatomicum or A compendious treatise of anatomy : adapted to the arts of painting and sculpture: in which the external muscles of the human body are represented as they appear when...

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<title>Compendium anatomicum or A compendious treatise of anatomy</title>
<subTitle>adapted to the arts of  painting and sculpture: in which the external muscles of the human body are represented as they appear when cleared of the skin, the membrana adiposa, and the veins and arteries that lie on their surface, with a concise explanation, shewing their names, their origin, their insertion, and their use. A work of very great service to painters, statuaries, and all professors of drawing and design; as well as a proper introduction to the study of anatomy for the use of young surgeons: and so contrived as to be both an ornamental and instructive furniture for surgeons studies, etc</subTitle>
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<namePart>Tinney, John</namePart>
<namePart type="date">m. 1761</namePart>
<genre authority="rdacontent">Texto</genre>
<placeTerm type="code" authority="marccountry">xxk</placeTerm>
<placeTerm type="text">London</placeTerm>
<publisher>printed for John Tinney, engraver and printseller ...</publisher>
<languageTerm type="code" authority="iso639-2b">eng</languageTerm>
<form authority="marcform">print</form>
<form type="media" authority="rdamedia">sin mediación</form>
<form type="carrier" authority="rdacarrier">Volumen</form>
<extent>[12] p., VIII h. de grab. Fol.</extent>
<accessCondition type="use and reproduction">La copia digital se distribuye bajo licencia "Attribution 4.0 International" (CC BY 4.0)</accessCondition>
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<topic>Obras anteriores a 1800</topic>
<genre>Tratados, manuales etc</genre>
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