
The practice of drawing and painting landscape from nature, in water colours : exemplified in a series of instructions calculated to facilitate the progress of the learner ... with observations on...

Nicholson, Francis, 1753-1844
The practice of drawing and painting landscape from nature, in water colours : exemplified in a series of instructions calculated to facilitate the progress of the learner ... with observations on the study of nature ... / by Francis Nicholson. — Second edition. — London : John Murray, 1823
[V]-XI, 118 p., 10 h. de lám. ; Fol.
Sign. en p. [V]-XI, 1-118: b4, B-Q4. — Las h. de lám. son grab. litogr. a lápiz
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1. Dibujo - Técnica . 2. Naturaleza - En el arte . 3. Dibujo de paisaje . 4. Pintura de paisaje . I. Murray, John, fl. 1796-1843 . II. Inglaterra - Londres . III. Title.




Biblioteca del Museo Nacional del Prado
Colección: BMP — Ubicación: Depósito de libros — Signatura: Bord/75 — Nº de registro: 92723 — Código de barras: 1143891 — Notas: Biblioteca Bordes, Nuevos/10