
209 Resultados de la búsqueda

Búsqueda efectuada: Secciones Tratados de arte

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Abregé de la vie des peintres ... et un traité du peintre parfait ...

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An account of the lives and works of the most eminent Spanish painters, sculptors and architects...

  • Palomino de Castro y Velasco, Acisclo Antonio
  • London : printed for Sam. Harding, on the Pavement in St. Martin's-Lane, 1739.
  • Libros
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Alberti Dureri pictoris et architecti praestantissimi de vrbius, arcibus, castellisque condendis,...

  • Dürer, Albrecht
  • Parisiis : ex officina Christiani Wecheli, sub Scuto Basiliens, 1535.
  • Libros
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Albertus Durerus nurembergensis pictor huius etatis celeberrimus, versus è Germanica lingua in...

  • Dürer, Albrecht
  • Lutetiae : apud Christianum Wechelum ..., 1532.
  • Libros
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The analysis of beauty : written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste

  • Hogarth, William
  • London : printed by J. Reeves for the author, and sold by him at his house in Leicester-Fields, 1753.
  • Libros
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The analysis of beauty : written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste

  • Hogarth, William
  • London : printed for Samuel Bagster, [1810] (Mercier and Co. Printers)
  • Libros
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The analysis of beauty : written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste

  • Hogarth, William
  • London : Robert Scholey : T. Davison, [18--?]
  • Libros
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Anweisung zu der Zeichenkunst derer Vierfüsigen Thiere, wie solche nach bestimten Regeln aus der...

  • Werner, Georg Heinrich
  • [S.l.] : [s.n.], 1766.
  • Libros
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L'aquarelle et le lavis appliqués à l'étude de la figure en général, du portrait d'après nature,...

  • Goupil, Fréderic-Auguste-Antoine
  • Paris : Desloges, 1864.
  • Libros
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L'aquarelle figure, portrait, genre avec leçons écrites ...

  • Karl Robert
  • Paris : H. Laurens, 1894.
  • Libros
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Arcadia pictorica en sueño : alegoria ó Poema prosaico sobre la teórica y práctica de la pintura

  • Preciado de la Vega, Francisco
  • Madrid : por Don Antonio de Sancha : se hallara en su casa en la Aduana Vieja, 1789.
  • Libros
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L'art de charpenterie de Mathurin Jousse ...

  • Jousse, Mathurin
  • A Paris ... : Chez Charles-Antoine Jombert, Libraire ..., 1751 (De l'Imprimerie de J. Chardon)
  • Libros
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L'art de l'enluminure : métier, histoire, pratique

  • Labitte, Alphonse
  • Paris : H. Laurens, [1893?]
  • Libros
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L'art de peindre les fleurs

  • Fraipont, Gustave
  • Paris : H. Laurens, [1892?]
  • Libros
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L'art de peindre les marines

  • Fraipont, Gustave
  • Paris : H. Laurens, [18--?]
  • Libros
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L'art de prendre un croquis et de l'utiliser : ouvrage accompagné de 50 dessins inédits de l'auteur

  • Fraipont, Gustave
  • Paris : H. Laurens, [189-?]
  • Libros
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The art of drawing in its various branches : exemplified in a course of twenty-eight progressive...

  • Smith, Thomas
  • London : Sherwood, Jones and Co., 1825.
  • Libros
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The art of painting

  • Dufresnoy, Charles Alphonse
  • London : printed for B. L. : sold by William Taylor, 1716.
  • Libros
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The art of sketching from nature : with examples from English masters and well-known water-colour...

  • Delamotte, Philip H
  • London : George Bell and Sons, 1888.
  • Libros
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The art of sketching from nature

  • Delamotte, Philip H
  • London : Bell and Daldy, 1871.
  • Libros