
A system of the anatomy of the human body, illustrated by upwards of two hundred and fifty tables, taken partly from the most celebrated authors, and partly from nature

Fyfe, Andrew, 1754-1824
A system of the anatomy of the human body, illustrated by upwards of two hundred and fifty tables, taken partly from the most celebrated authors, and partly from nature / By Andrew Fyfe. — 4th ed., considerably enl. and improved. — Edinburgh : Sold by Adam Black; [etc.], 1820. (John Pillans)
213 p., 63 p. de il. ; Fol.
En port.: In three volumes
Sign.: [ ]4, A-Z4, Aa-Dd4. — Las p. de il. son grab. calc. en n. y col
Índice de contenido de las tres partes del vol. — Vol. 1
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1. Anatomía humana . I. Pillans, John . II. Black, Adam, 1784-1874 . III. Reino Unido - Edimburgo . IV. Título.
Biblioteca del Museo Nacional del Prado
Colección: BMP — Ubicación: Depósito de libros — Signatura: Bord/560 — Nº de registro: 93833 — Código de barras: 1145331 — Notas: Biblioteca Bordes, A-85