
Todas las obras relacionadas: Gran Bretaña

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La almoneda del siglo : relaciones artísticas entre España y Gran Bretaña : 1604-1655

  • Madrid : Museo Nacional del Prado, 2002.
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Catalogue : estampes anciennes et modernes, caricatures, costumes, vues portraits des écoles...

  • Paris : [s.n.], 1878 (Ves Renou, Maulde et Cock, imprimeurs)
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Choix de tableaux : tirés de diverses galeries angloises

  • Berquin, Arnaud
  • Amsterdam et se trouve à París : chez la Veuve Duchesne et Le Jay, rue Saint Jacques : Saillant & Nyon, rue S. Jean de Beauvais : Delalain et Monori, rue de la Comédie Françoise : Ruault, rue de la Harpe, 1775.
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The Christian Year

  • Keble, John
  • London : Castell Brothers, [1888]
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Essays on gothic architecture

  • London : printed for J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library, 1808 (Barlow and Child)
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The gentleman's house or How to plan english residences, from the parsonage to the palace ...

  • Kerr, Robert
  • London : John Murray, 1865 (printed by W. Clowes and sons)
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An historical and descriptive guide to Warwick Castle, Kenilworth Castle, Guy's Cliff, Stoneleigh...

  • Warwick : printed and published by H.T.Cook and Son, 1863.
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Memoirs of painting with a chronological history of the importation of pictures by the great...

  • Buchanan, W
  • London : R. Ackermann, 1824 (Thomas Davison)
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Noticia y dibujos del admirable camino sub-acüeo de Londres, con la lista de los individuos de la...

  • Barcelona : [s.n.], 1828 (en la oficina de D. Juan Fran.co Piferrer ...)
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Pablo de Segovia : the spanish sharper

  • Quevedo, Francisco de
  • London : printed by Unwin Brothers at the Gesham Press for T Ficher Unwin ..., 1892.
  • Libros