
Lectures on sculpture, as delivered before the president and members of the Royal academy

Flaxman, John (1755-1826)
Lectures on sculpture, as delivered before the president and members of the Royal academy / by John Flaxman. With an introductory lecture, and two addresses ... on the death of Thomas Banks ... and of Antonio Canova ... and an address on the death of Flaxman, by Sir Richard Westmacott. — New edition. — London : Bell & Daldy, 1865
XII, 308, 52 h. de lám. ; 20 cm.
Sign.: []9, B-V8, X2. — Las h. de lám. son grab. litogr. — Front. litogr. con retrato del autor
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1. Banks, Thomas, 1735-1805 . 2. Canova, Antonio, 1757-1822 . 3. Flaxman, John (1755-1826) . 4. Escultura - Técnica . 5. Escultura inglesa - S.XVIII-XIX . 6. Escultura italiana - S.XVIII-XIX . I. Westmacott, Richard, 1799-1872 . II. Bell and Daldy . III. Gran Bretaña - Londres . IV. Title.
730 Banks, Thomas

730 Canova, Antonio

730 Flaxman, John




Biblioteca del Museo Nacional del Prado
Colección: BMP — Ubicación: Depósito de libros — Signatura: Bord/286 — Nº de registro: 92987 — Código de barras: 1144245 — Notas: Biblioteca Bordes, T-16