
Todas las obras relacionadas: Dibujo de paisaje

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The art of sketching from nature : with examples from English masters and well-known water-colour...

  • Delamotte, Philip H
  • London : George Bell and Sons, 1888.
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The art of sketching from nature

  • Delamotte, Philip H
  • London : Bell and Daldy, 1871.
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Cours de paysage au fusain : gradué en vingt-cinq leçons

  • Allongé, Auguste
  • Paris : E. Bernard et Cie., [18--?]
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The elements of drawing : in its various branches, for the use of students ; illustrated by fifty...

  • Hamilton, George
  • London : printed for Sir Richard Phillips and Co., 1827.
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Elements of drawing : exemplified in a variety of figures and sketches of parts of the human form...

  • Williams, H
  • Boston : R.P. & C. Williams, 1828.
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Der Figuren und Landschaftzeichner : nebst Anleitung zum Entwerfen, Zeichnen, Tuschen und...

  • Preissler, Johann Daniel
  • Nürnberg : Bauer und Raspe, 1824.
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Le fusain sans maître : traité pratique et complet sur l'étude du paysage au fusain

  • Karl Robert
  • Paris : Georges Meusnier, 1874.
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Gründliche Zeichenkunst für junge Leute und Liebhaber aus allen Ständen : nach Originalzeichnungen

  • Preissler, Johann Martin
  • In Nürnberg : herausgegeben von der Adam Gottlieb Schneider und Weigelschen Kais. privil. Kunst- und Buchhandlung, 1796.
  • Libros
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The illustrated London drawing book ...

  • London : Ingram, Cooke, and Co., 1853.
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The national drawing master, on a new principle greatly facilitating self-instruction in...

  • London : Reeves and Sons : National Drawing Master Office, [1870?]
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Nuevo curso elemental y completo de estudio para el rostro humano

  • Julien, Bernard-Romain
  • [Paris] : Monrocq Hermanos : Libreria de A. Mezin, [18--?]
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Nützliger Unterricht zu den Landschaft Zeichnen : wie solche nach bestimten Geometrischen und...

  • Werner, Georg Heinrich
  • Erfurt : verlegts J.J. Fried. Straube, 1767.
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The practice of drawing and painting landscape from nature, in water colours : exemplified in a...

  • Nicholson, Francis
  • London : John Murray, 1823.
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[Principes d'après nature en 24 planches, pour apprendre à dessiner le paysage d'une manière sûre...

  • Weibel, Jakob Samuel
  • [Paris?] : [s.n.], [1804?]
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Recueil de figures : pour apprendre à dessiner sans mâitre le portrait, la figure, l'histoire et...

  • Bosse, Abraham
  • À Paris : chez C.A. Jombert, 1737.
  • Ilustraciones y Fotos
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The royal progressive drawing book : adapted for beginners, as well as for advanced students

  • Earp, George
  • Brigthton ; London : W.H. Mason : Barnard and Son, [18--?]
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Schaus' drawing studies for schools and academies : containing elementary and progressive studies...

  • Schaus, William
  • New York : W. Schaus, 1856.
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The sketcher's manual or The whole art of picture making reduced to the simplest principles : by...

  • Howard, Frank
  • London : Darton and Clarck, 1846.
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De Teekenkunst door Zelfonderricht van het meest eenvoudige tot het moeielijkste dezer kunst,...

  • Rotterdam : D. Bolle, [1899?]
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Tratado de Paisaje

  • O'Neille y Rosiñol, Juan
  • Palma de Mallorca : [s.n.], 1862 (Imprenta de Pedro Jose Gelabert)
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